Help Dasia and JaCobye Complete Their Family

Jacksonville, FL (US)
Created 3 years ago
Fertility Treatments

Help Dasia and JaCobye Complete Their Family

by Dasia Jacobs

Rated 0 out of 5
  • $8,500.00

    Fundraiser Goal
  • $250.00

    Funds Raised
  • 0

    Days to go
$250.00 raised of $8,500.00 Goal
The campaign is successful.
Jacksonville, FL (US)

Dasia Jacobs is organizing this fundraiser.

Campaign Story >

Campaign Story

A little background on us! My husband and I met in highschool and have been together ever since. As kids we talked about the future and little did we know but we were so naive! We didn’t expect any road bumps. We are now 27 years old and have been married for 6 years come February 15!! I pretty much like everything that smells and tastes good lol? (except mayo, ranch and mushrooms). I love to cook, sing, and play with my fur babies (they keep me sane through this process)! My husband plays football and basketball and he pretty much likes all food (everything I don’t like lol)! We enjoy listening to music and watching a good action movie! I have two God children and so many nephews and my beautiful niece! God has definitely blessed me and allowed me to watch them grow and love them as if they were my own. I’m sure you know if you have been going through infertility it’s just not the same as loving and watching your own child grow. I am fundraising for myself and husband for our IVF treatment and medication expenses. We have been TTC for almost 8 years sadly. We tried the first year with no treatment and no positive tests came back.. all negative! I went for some testing with my OB and I was diagnosed with PCOS. MY husband then got tested and he has Azoospermia. The doctor told us we had a 0-3% chance of conceiving naturally with no intervention. So we moved on and did 2 rounds of clomid cycles with no success. We did 1 round of IUI which failed; our original doctor told us we had a 10-20% chance with IUI. So we immediately moved to IVF however, it’s way too expensive here in Jax so I started to give up. Just when I was about to give up I saw an ad for CNY fertility clinic on Facebook. I yelled to my husband that I think I found a way and once I showed him the website we knew instantly that we were going to try again. No matter what or how long we were going to try again! We did all our initial testing recommended at that time (bloodwork, HSG). We had a successful retrieval and froze 8 embryos. Our fresh transfer failed so we waited a year and had our first frozen transfer but that ended in a chemical miscarriage. Before we decided to try again we did an ERA cycle in April and find out I needed 3 more hours of progesterone. We thought this was going to be it for us. So we had our second frozen transfer on August 10, 2021 and this one stuck! We transferred 2 embryos this time and I knew this transfer was different right away! This was the first time I had ever seen those two pink lines and I was so overjoyed! We made it past 3 beta draws (each one doubling appropriately), then we made it to our first ultrasound and each thereafter! Instantly we were in love with this little person we wanted so badly to meet!! On October 18, I got the results from our NIPT testing and the baby was high risk for Trisomy 13 and 18. We were heartbroken and instantly the cramping started (I had been cramping and bleeding for a little over a week) and I miscarried the baby at home in the worse pain imaginable. The pain I felt and still feel I would never wish on any woman! Crazy thing is in the back of my mind I knew something wasn’t right. Pregnancy that early along shouldn’t be painful, especially not consistent pain every day. I know I can’t control God’s will and yes i’m tired mentally and physically but I know in my heart i’m supposed to be a mom! I know my husband is supposed to be a dad so I can’t give up. Before we try again it’s time to do more testing. We are about to do the karyotype test, pregmune, and recurrent pregnancy loss panel and hopefully this will give us answers. We also will be testing our remaining embryos. But if I’m being honest our relationship got rough there for a minute during treatment. Emotions, finances, and hormones were not friendly to us. We really had to take a step back and recalculate life! Our baby we wanted so bad brought us closer than ever. We realized God made us for one another and we couldn’t imagine going through this with anyone else. I’m not sure what the plan is but I know God’s journey for us will end in something beautiful. I always prayed and asked God “Can I get pregnant? Will I ever be a mom? God answered both of those questions, though the outcomes were not what we wanted we still received answers! You know that feeling that something is missing; It nags at you over and over and you know how to get it but can’t?? For other people it’s so easy to start a family but it’s a whole other ball game when you can’t naturally! For us it means endless doctors visits, bloodwork, needles, traveling back and forth to New York, and spending thousands of dollars with no guarantee! Being parents is so important to us because it’s all we’ve ever wanted! After we lost the baby we knew we wanted to start again but the pain of carrying and losing the baby due to chromosomal abnormalities is unbearable. We have to do everything we can do make sure the embryos are normal and that there is nothing we need to do ourselves to help. We are trying any and everything we can to try to help achieve our dream. One day we will be able to return the favor and help someone else start their family. Thank you for your time, have a beautiful day and stay safe.

Name Donation Date
Ariana Reese $25.00 December 29, 2021
Gail Raike $50.00 December 01, 2021
Ira Ritchin $15.00 November 22, 2021
Kyla Livsey-Walker $100.00 November 08, 2021
Dasean Pugh $30.00 November 07, 2021
Jessica Alexander $10.00 November 07, 2021
Jerrica Lemon $20.00 November 07, 2021